C o s m e t i c D e n t u r e s

Cosmetic Dentures

Dentures are one of the oldest methods of replacing teeth. Although not a registered specialist, Gary has a specialist interest in their provision. Improving the retention, stability, suction and of course aesthetics of dentures is one of Gary’s favourite procedures in which he works closely with his prosthetic lab technicians.

Using the Bio-layered Impression Technique, a modern approach to denture construction has evolved in which suction fit dentures are produced, improving the functionality of dentures. This technique involves the mapping out of your edentulous ridges and anatomy and applying various viscosities of silicone depending on the compressibility of the soft tissues.

Various appointments will be required for construction of your denture. The most important being denture design. It is at this point where a detailed conversation occurs regarding the choice of colour, shape and mould of your denture teeth. This also includes minor unique details such as pink gum region of the denture, whether we include natural age-appropriate tooth stains or fillings to the denture teeth etc. or if you want to replicate how your teeth used to look using old photographs that you are encouraged to bring along to your appointment.

In some cases, dentures are best secured with dental implants. In these cases, liaison with an implantologist is required.