P o r c e l a i n V e n e e r s

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are thin shells of ceramic that are bonded to your teeth to restore colour, proportion, and symmetry to your smile. As every patient is different, so is every tooth and a detailed facial driven smile analysis will be undertaken to create a new smile which harmoniously fits your face. There are a variety of different styles available from the natural smile enhancement to the Hollywood makeover. 

Veneers can be used in variety of situations such as:

  • Repairing a chipped or broken tooth

  • Changing the shape of a specific tooth/teeth to match your other teeth

  • Often used in combination with orthodontic treatment

  • Restoring a worn dentition

Gary has carried out extensive training refining his skill in the provision of smile design and porcelain veneers, attending seminars and lectures from the most influential dentist across the UK and United States.

Step 1

The smile design process is key in the success of veneers. It can be a lengthy appointment whereby Gary takes clinical photography and carry’s out a smile transformation in your mouth. This stage is known as a trial smile. Your teeth may be minimally shaped, and the temporary veneers are then to be worn for a few days to a week. This is an important step as it allows you to test drive your new improved smile and ensure that their shape and proportions are within your expectations. 

Step 2

After wearing your temporary smile, you will return for a review appointment with Gary to provide feedback on the look and feel of the veneers. This feedback allows our ceramists to create replicas of the temporaries with porcelain. The final preparations will be carried out on this appointment and final impressions taken. At this stage everything is handed over the ceramist at the dental laboratory whom Gary works closely with to ensure an unsurpassed quality and unique level of customisation of each hand made veneer. 

Step 3

Two-three weeks later, Gary fits your definitive veneers after removing your temporaries.

Step 4

Gary will review your veneers and the final touches carried out. This occurs a few days after the final fit.