T o o t h W h i t e n i n g

Tooth Whitening

Professional tooth whitening is an easy safe and effective process to brighten up your smile, without causing any damage to your teeth. Gary will assess your overall suitability and start the process by producing your custom fit mouth guards. 

There are two main systems of tooth whitening each with different concentrations and application periods. These systems break down in the internal dark coloured tooth pigments which an over-the-counter whitening toothpaste or scale and polish cannot achieve. 

Boutique Home Whitening & Enlighten Home & In Surgery Whitening

Regardless of the system used it is important to note that all teeth do have a saturation point. A limit whereby no matter how many applications are carried out the maximum brightness has been reached. Unfortunately, we cannot give guarantees with tooth whitening, but these systems provide amazing results. If a guaranteed tooth is sought, restorative options such a porcelain veneers or bonding may be also considered.